Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cry for Reason and Logic in politics, really?

I read with great interest and yet, sadness at the number of people who respond to reason and logic on policy changes with "That's what we need in government!". This crying needs to stop, put down the Kleenex and work on making it happen.

There are 335 million people in the U.S. and yet, when there is a march or rally it is 7000 Tea Party supporters and Sarah Palin that get all of the press? This is what is leading the undereducated in the country to believe that this is the truth in politics. If not, why is it on the news? If there is one thing that the right is better than the left at, it is organizing and making sure its voice gets out. Please understand, there will always be a radical minority in any civilization but, you don't need to run from it. Pull its teeth and take away its bite.

There needs to be a return to participation to make things better. Everyone needs to begin the process of organization. Work with like minded people in your communities, join with neighbouring communities until you cover the state then, join with neighbouring states until you have a blanket nation wide. Nothing will scare the wits ,or what is left of them, out of this minority more than an organized counterpoint of logic, reason and common sense in the numbers that represent the massive majority of the country.

Begin your voyage to organized mobilization using the tools you already have at your disposal. Facebook is a very powerful tool for organizing like minded individuals into groups. In your comments to posts on Facebook, instead of "I love you Bill Maher", try, "I agree with you on this point, is there anyone else here from (your town) that thinks the same?". This is the beginning of what can turn the tide of reform.

Good Luck! Don't let getting Betty White as host of SNL be the best organizational use of Facebook.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Government for the people or, the party?

I am not sure where it all went wrong but, at some time the goal of elected officials changed from service for the benefit of the country to, service to the party regardless of impact to the nation. This is not simply an American issue but is felt around the world.

The U.S. government is stalled by filibustering, GOP members voting "NO" on bills solely on the fact that they are being presented by the Democrats. Health Care for all, too expensive? Financial reform, "swatting an ant with a nuclear weapon"? Six month moratorium on offshore drilling (33 exploratory wells), "destroying the industry, costing hundreds of thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in lost business"? Sorry, again disinformation at its worst.

The Canadian government spent months in ridiculous rants and tirades giving the impression of spoiled children in a sandbox. Leaders actually "Tweet" about how they held up sessions with incessant noise on past issues. They did manage to spend $1 billion dollars on security for the G20 but, much of that went to side projects that had no connection to the event. Why hide behind amendments? If the funds are being spent wisely and for the good of the nation, there should be no issue. They also managed to agree that an apology to the families of the 1985 Air India tragedy was in order after attempting to cover up errors made that led up to the event. Good job, well done. Take a summer vacation, school is out.