Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 - The year the world wakes up or, another day in the death of humanity?

Well, it is now 2017 and, as what is supposed to be the most intelligent life form on the planet, can we not shift our focus to people and peace and away from designing, building, selling or buying the next great warplane or weaponized drone or tank or bomb or missile or gun?
War is easy, finding individuals that can be trained to believe they are fighting for their country when evidence points to exactly the opposite is easy. Wrap everything in the flag of choice and, through non-stop political commentary and a weak and gullible media, push the argument of the "Other". THEY want to kill us, THEY want to harm us, THEY are stealing our jobs, THEY are draining our government funds so we can't take care of our veterans, THEY are protesting against industry. There will always be a "THEY" and, there is a very strong possibility that, one day, "THEY" will be YOU. We have seen through history the use of a specific group based on belief, or lifestyle, or colour or, financial status being held up as the one and only thing that is destroying OUR COUNTRY, be that Germany in the 30's or, all other nations today. War is easy because a very small number of individuals, purposed with the common goal of killing in defence of "Country" can and have disrupted and destroyed the lives of millions globally with the weapons our tax dollars support and fund. War is not an answer. War is never an answer. War breeds war. War destroys the humanity of those that fight it. Every day we see new levels of atrocities. Bombing hospitals, ambulances, aid workers, markets and, even funerals for loved ones lost due to war are rationalized and generalized into the fog of war with a "better them than us" rhetoric. Remember, for every loved one lost to war there is a family that wishes ill against the ones that took them. Nothing makes more terrorists that missiles bombs and bullets.
Peace is hard. It takes a lot of work. It requires an open mind to the differences and needs of others. It requires all of us to work together regardless of country, colour, politics or religion towards common goals. It requires us to loudly denounce and discard fear and hate from our political and personal discourse. It requires us to use our ability as humans to reason and look for another way. It requires us to take funding currently spent in fear of "Others" to find ways to kill faster and in more volume and instead, spend that on reducing poverty, funding independent research into cures, funding housing, healthcare and education. Education for all, regardless of location or financial status that, drives strong minds, teaches critical thinking and problem solving will result in better decision making skills resulting in better life choices and increased employability resulting in reduced health care needs and reduced need for government aid and, reduced poverty which in turn, reduces global unrest and conflict. How many brilliant minds were lost to war and conflict in 2016 alone? Funding and reintroducing Civics education everywhere will ensure that the bright new minds of the future do not fall into the same trap that their supposedly "Older and Wiser" generations have put them in.
It is 2017, can we please learn from the past, learn from the horrors of the never-ending wars and conflicts, learn that messages of hate and fear are really only tools of war used to divide and control populations ensuring that the people do not look closely at the actions of their elected officials. Through fear and division we have, and continue to gladly give up rights and freedoms, that we rail and foam at the mouth in defence of, to provide protection and safety from a perceived threat. Remember the boy who cried wolf. We have spent millennia running after and annihilating that wolf based on disinformation and deception. Every year we honour our military and salute our war dead without recognizing that, we failed to live up to their wish, "Never Again". Let 2017 start a new trend. Let it be the year we look at each other and, recognizing our differences, look for commonality and begin to work together to heal ourselves, our countries and our planet. Peace is a goal. Peace is achievable if, we all want it and, accept no other solution.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Humanity Through Opposition, Activism, Protest and Civil Disobedience

The world has seen a worldwide rise in support of Gaza during the current Israel / Gaza conflict. While it is good to see mobilization against oppression and injustice, we must ensure we do not slide too far on this issue. There has been an increase in action and comments against the Jewish people as a whole over this conflict. We must understand that this is a Government action and not a religious action even if the Israeli government wraps itself in a religious cloak. The fight is with only the ones initiating the action and not the whole population. Understand that one weapon of choice in an aggression is the use of propaganda and, governments have become adept at its use. Do not resort to aggression to stop aggression.

War and conflict are about money. Whether for the combatants or, for the corporations that supply the weapons and ammunition. The same can be said for all conflicts occurring around the globe. Many groups stand behind a banner claiming religious belief or freedom as their cause, however, this is rarely the case. In most cases, their actions devolve into a desire for power, money and celebrity. While some may have had altruistic goals to begin, as soon as they decline into action against innocents there is no longer any religious, civil or moral ground on which to stand. This can be said for any government or group. 

The dictionary defines terrorism as 'the use of violence, intimidation or threats in pursuit of political aims". This definition is not restricted to those we see reported in the press. It also defines the actions of governments around the world. Can Israel be defined as Terrorist? Yes. They employ the use of a wide variety of weapons to strike fear into an entire population while claiming to fight an elected government. This changes the daily actions of all as they live in fear of attack. This is the picture to place beside the definition.
Can the USA be defined as Terrorist? Yes. The use of drones to strike against perceived targets in Yemen and Pakistan result in a civilian population changing their lifestyle in reaction to the fear of attack which meets the definition.

As a supposedly intelligent species, we must stand against any an all injustice be it Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Malaysia, China, Russia, Australia, Canada, UK or USA. The first point of contact in our efforts to end injustice is through pressure on our Governments around the world. We cannot allow our elected officals to utilize terror in reaction to terrorism or, by action and definition we become what we supposedly oppose. We cannot allow our elected government officials to interfere in the elected governments or opposition of other countries (Ukraine / Venezuela / Egypt / Cuba). We need to use our voices through social media and civil disobedience and, our VOTES (where possible) to end oppression and injustice against any and all peoples. Push your elected officials to act in the best interest of all or, be dismissed. 
Educate yourselves on all aspects of a conflict in order to understand both sides. Do not look only to information that supports your present views or, you become what you fight against. Ignorance is the enemy and must be fought on every front and in every argument. Truth and facts will win out.
Beware  the use of "Strawman" arguments and, remember that a position stated loudly and repetitively does not make it factual.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How much?

It appears that the current Government of Canada is having a bit of trouble with mathematics and accounting. At this point I hope they see the potential problems with cuts to education.
The current track record on Peter MacKay, the Minister of Defense has misquoted totals for new F35 jet fighters (forgot to mention $15 billion in operating costs), actions in Libya (under-quoted costs by $56 million dollars), forgot to mention a $105 million dollar contract for 11 Light Armored Vehicles labeled as 1 transmission part (hey, thanks for letting us know about the $20,000 renovation on a Garage in St. Johns!). Not bad for a month's work Pete.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Senseless shootings in Tuscon

Can we now stop the insanity of hate in politics. Insighting violence has resulted in a number of senseless deaths in Tuscon Arizona today. Early reports indicate 6 dead.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and up to 17 others, including a child, were shot at a gathering of constituents designed to bring her office to the people.
Please hold those who yuse hate and calls for violence accountable for this tragedy.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cry for Reason and Logic in politics, really?

I read with great interest and yet, sadness at the number of people who respond to reason and logic on policy changes with "That's what we need in government!". This crying needs to stop, put down the Kleenex and work on making it happen.

There are 335 million people in the U.S. and yet, when there is a march or rally it is 7000 Tea Party supporters and Sarah Palin that get all of the press? This is what is leading the undereducated in the country to believe that this is the truth in politics. If not, why is it on the news? If there is one thing that the right is better than the left at, it is organizing and making sure its voice gets out. Please understand, there will always be a radical minority in any civilization but, you don't need to run from it. Pull its teeth and take away its bite.

There needs to be a return to participation to make things better. Everyone needs to begin the process of organization. Work with like minded people in your communities, join with neighbouring communities until you cover the state then, join with neighbouring states until you have a blanket nation wide. Nothing will scare the wits ,or what is left of them, out of this minority more than an organized counterpoint of logic, reason and common sense in the numbers that represent the massive majority of the country.

Begin your voyage to organized mobilization using the tools you already have at your disposal. Facebook is a very powerful tool for organizing like minded individuals into groups. In your comments to posts on Facebook, instead of "I love you Bill Maher", try, "I agree with you on this point, is there anyone else here from (your town) that thinks the same?". This is the beginning of what can turn the tide of reform.

Good Luck! Don't let getting Betty White as host of SNL be the best organizational use of Facebook.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Government for the people or, the party?

I am not sure where it all went wrong but, at some time the goal of elected officials changed from service for the benefit of the country to, service to the party regardless of impact to the nation. This is not simply an American issue but is felt around the world.

The U.S. government is stalled by filibustering, GOP members voting "NO" on bills solely on the fact that they are being presented by the Democrats. Health Care for all, too expensive? Financial reform, "swatting an ant with a nuclear weapon"? Six month moratorium on offshore drilling (33 exploratory wells), "destroying the industry, costing hundreds of thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in lost business"? Sorry, again disinformation at its worst.

The Canadian government spent months in ridiculous rants and tirades giving the impression of spoiled children in a sandbox. Leaders actually "Tweet" about how they held up sessions with incessant noise on past issues. They did manage to spend $1 billion dollars on security for the G20 but, much of that went to side projects that had no connection to the event. Why hide behind amendments? If the funds are being spent wisely and for the good of the nation, there should be no issue. They also managed to agree that an apology to the families of the 1985 Air India tragedy was in order after attempting to cover up errors made that led up to the event. Good job, well done. Take a summer vacation, school is out.