Saturday, August 9, 2014

Humanity Through Opposition, Activism, Protest and Civil Disobedience

The world has seen a worldwide rise in support of Gaza during the current Israel / Gaza conflict. While it is good to see mobilization against oppression and injustice, we must ensure we do not slide too far on this issue. There has been an increase in action and comments against the Jewish people as a whole over this conflict. We must understand that this is a Government action and not a religious action even if the Israeli government wraps itself in a religious cloak. The fight is with only the ones initiating the action and not the whole population. Understand that one weapon of choice in an aggression is the use of propaganda and, governments have become adept at its use. Do not resort to aggression to stop aggression.

War and conflict are about money. Whether for the combatants or, for the corporations that supply the weapons and ammunition. The same can be said for all conflicts occurring around the globe. Many groups stand behind a banner claiming religious belief or freedom as their cause, however, this is rarely the case. In most cases, their actions devolve into a desire for power, money and celebrity. While some may have had altruistic goals to begin, as soon as they decline into action against innocents there is no longer any religious, civil or moral ground on which to stand. This can be said for any government or group. 

The dictionary defines terrorism as 'the use of violence, intimidation or threats in pursuit of political aims". This definition is not restricted to those we see reported in the press. It also defines the actions of governments around the world. Can Israel be defined as Terrorist? Yes. They employ the use of a wide variety of weapons to strike fear into an entire population while claiming to fight an elected government. This changes the daily actions of all as they live in fear of attack. This is the picture to place beside the definition.
Can the USA be defined as Terrorist? Yes. The use of drones to strike against perceived targets in Yemen and Pakistan result in a civilian population changing their lifestyle in reaction to the fear of attack which meets the definition.

As a supposedly intelligent species, we must stand against any an all injustice be it Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Malaysia, China, Russia, Australia, Canada, UK or USA. The first point of contact in our efforts to end injustice is through pressure on our Governments around the world. We cannot allow our elected officals to utilize terror in reaction to terrorism or, by action and definition we become what we supposedly oppose. We cannot allow our elected government officials to interfere in the elected governments or opposition of other countries (Ukraine / Venezuela / Egypt / Cuba). We need to use our voices through social media and civil disobedience and, our VOTES (where possible) to end oppression and injustice against any and all peoples. Push your elected officials to act in the best interest of all or, be dismissed. 
Educate yourselves on all aspects of a conflict in order to understand both sides. Do not look only to information that supports your present views or, you become what you fight against. Ignorance is the enemy and must be fought on every front and in every argument. Truth and facts will win out.
Beware  the use of "Strawman" arguments and, remember that a position stated loudly and repetitively does not make it factual.

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